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New ReadSoft Invoices and ReadSoft Collector releases.

Torben Fahrenholz

Updated: Sep 28, 2020

ReadSoft Invoices Release 6.0.3

New features

Ability to interpret 2D barcodes:

It is now possible to interpret 2D barcodes in accordance with the new Swiss QR-Code requirement. All payment information is included in the QR code that can be scanned digitally.

Email information added to process log:

Email details are now added to the invoice process log when using batch mode.

Source invoice profile details written to process log:

Details for the source invoice profile are now written to the process log. This makes it possible to identify the source invoice profile when you need to reroute invoices back to the original invoice profile after changes have been made by rerouting invoices using the <SYSTEM> profile.

More detailed information added to Event log message:

Previously, if a PMService terminated a job due to a timeout (for example, seven minutes are required to transfer an invoice, but five minutes has been specified for the timeout setting), no information was available to know why the job terminated. Now when a timeout occurs, the information is added to the Event log as an error message to save time while troubleshooting.

Invoice definition ID added as column in Inbox in Verify:

For convenience, the invoice definition ID is now provided in a separate column in the Inbox in Verify. Ability to skip jobs that have failed or become unresponsive:

To avoid production stops when running jobs as a service, it is now possible to specify how many times the program skips jobs that have become unresponsive before the program tries to process them again. The information concerning which jobs are skipped is added to the event log to indicate which jobs are faulty so that they can be fixed.

Ability to minimize the line-item table:

To maximize window space in Verify while processing invoices, it is now possible to minimize the line-item table. This is useful when it is not necessary to see line item information, such as when it is not captured, for example.

Ability to not install PMServices:

Previously PMServices were installed automatically on all client installations. It is now possible to specify if PMServices are included when Kofax ReadSoft Invoices is installed. This is especially useful in situations in which the software runs unattended, since the special user accounts required to create them often cause problems.

Supplier details displayed when match to master data is uncertain:

If a matching supplier is found in master data but the match is uncertain, supplier details are now displayed in Verify to help users determine if the correct supplier has been identified. This is useful in situations in which the master data contains more than one supplier with similar information, such as name, bank account, location, or currency and so on.

Support for Oracle databases:

Kofax ReadSoft Invoices 6.0.3 now supports Oracle database versions 18c and 19c.

Use BuyerSortColumn to sort buyer list in Verify:

When you use the BuyerSortColumn flag in the [Options] section of eiglobal.ini, the list of buyers displayed when you click the Buyer link in Verify is now the same as when you click the Buyer dropdown list.

Changes in behavior

This chapter describes changes to product behavior since the previous release.

Online help:

Previously, help files were installed separately in CHM format on each computer where ReadSoft Invoices was installed, and context-sensitive help calls were done locally. The help is now located on an online Kofax documentation server to which context-sensitive help calls are directed when you click a help button or press F1 in the program. In this case, Internet access is necessary. If the system where ReadSoft Invoices is installed does not have Internet access, offline documentation can be downloaded from Kofax. See "Related documentation" in this document for more information.

Resolved issues

This chapter describes issues that are resolved in Kofax ReadSoft Invoices 6.0.3.

UI translation issue in Polish:

65040: Some UI strings were not localized correctly in Polish.

LineItem rows duplicated after invoices manually reinterpreted:

64911: LineItem rows were duplicated after invoices were manually reinterpreted in Verify.

Invoices rejected by EICC could not be opened in Verify:

63581: When re-scanning invoices with the EICC plug-in, attempting to open rejected invoices caused Verify to fail.

AutoValue plugin did not work with database option as source:

63215: The list of databases was not retrieved, and if the connection test was ignored, and if everything was configured in Manager, it didn't work at runtime in Interpret and Verify.

Could not connect to database and get info from AutoValue:

63165: It was not possible to connect to the database to get info from the AutoValue plug-in.

Ampersands were replaced by underscores:

60089: If invoice data was entered with ampersands, they were sometimes replaced with underscores when displaying values for the LineItem field. Clicking the line item section on invoice definition caused Optimize to fail:

58972: Clicking the line item section in a variant created in Optimize caused the module to fail.

Interpret failed with large multi-page invoices:

58758: Interpreting large multi-page invoices with line items caused Interpret to fail.

Auto approve feature did not work with flag setting:

58729: "Auto approve when X invoices receive complete status" did not work when the DisableAutoApproveCounterWarning flag in Global.ini was enabled.

Invoice definitions remained locked:

58656: Invoice definitions with id=1 (EHGLOBAL) were not unlocked when Interpret was run as a service, and Interpret and Verify used different license servers.

Transfer service did not recover after the database had been temporarily unavailable:

58603: When an Invoices SQL database became temporarily unavailable (for example, backup or maintenance, or server/service failure), the Transfer service did not resume automatically when the database became available again.

Reinterpret feature worked inconsistently:

58541:When "IdentifyEveryPage" was enabled or disabled, the Reinterpret feature did not work consistently.

Incorrect error message displayed in Verify:

58473: In a specific situation, Verify displayed the format error instead of the correct out-of-range validation error. Database error generated for French Entrance:

58471: If the French version of Entrance was used and a user language was specified, a database error was generated due to multiple languages in Manager and Verify.

Duplicate definitions were created erroneously:

58076, 58413: New definitions are normally created if an existing definition does not have a description, but in this case, duplicate definitions were created even though definitions included a description.

Revalidation of amount field not triggered:

58362: The re-validation of amount fields was not triggered if a Verify user accidently added letters after the amount. Consequently, the amount field retained complete status.

Incorrect results after pressing Tab in Verify:

58325: Pressing TAB in Verify after setting the buyer took you to line items instead of to the Supplier field.

Missing value after upgrade:

58311: After upgrading from INVOICES 5.8.2 to Kofax ReadSoft Invoices 6.0.1, no values were displayed in the "Auto approve" column for XML definitions.

Incorrect behavior when pressing TAB:

57846: Pressing TAB after specifying the Buyer in Verify moved the focus to line items instead of to the Supplier setting.

Out of memory exception:

57723: An out of memory exception was thrown when running the process log cleanup maintenance plan while saving deleted process log messages to a file. Problem filtering and sorting definition list in Optimize:

57710: Invoice definitions could not be sorted or filtered if there were more than 20000 definitions in the system.

Text in the Supplier name dialog displayed as right-justified:

57588: When a supplier's name exceeded the viewable space in the Supplier box under Adjust and Approve, the name text was right-justified instead of left-justified.

User was locked while approving invoice:

57408: User was locked while approving an invoice, because Interpret and Verify were not using the same license server.

Advanced button was still available for barcode field in Optimize:

57191: The Advanced button was removed from Optimize in Kofax ReadSoft Invoices 6.0.2, but it was still visible in for the barcode field in Optimize.

If "/" was present in Buyer name, all subsequent text was removed:

57094: If a Buyer was created with a "/" included in the name, all text after the "/" character was removed in Verify. This made it difficult for users with multiple companies ending with "A/S", for example.

ShowAmountValidationErrorDialog flag info updated:

55802: Previously, help indicated that the ShowAmountValidationErrorDialog flag should be specified in the [Business_logic_validation] section of eiglobal.ini or eiglobalextra.ini, but it has been changed to include the flag in the [Options] sections instead.

Optimize failed when the line item section was clicked or moved:

55415, 55500: If you clicked or attempted to move the line item section on an invoice image, the Optimize module failed. XML invoice definitions not updated:

54706: Field values were not updated in XML invoice definitions if all of the definitions connected in the invoice profile were XML. It was necessary to have at least one normal invoice definition for it to work.

Suppliers dialog did not receive focus after clicking supplier link:

54580: When the supplier link in Verify was clicked, the Suppliers dialog opened, but it was not in focus until the Verify operator activated it with a mouse click or shortcut. It was necessary to click twice on the "Clear selection," "OK," and "Cancel" buttons to activate them.

Verify failed in latest Windows version:

54553: Verify failed due to a change in the way heaps are handled by Microsoft APIs. The failure occurred, because the unmanaged heap was released before the managed one.

Service unable to start:

54505: The Invoices service was not able to start when using the Oracle 12c Release 2 ( Client.

File path missing in title bar for some records:

54482: The file path was missing in the title bar for some records when viewed in Verify due to improper cleaning of titles by the Microsoft Foundation Class library.

Check duplicate feature did not work correctly:

54253: If a field value that is used to check for duplicate invoices includes leading zeros (zeros to the left of the value), the zeros are removed when the value is stored in the database. Consequently, if the invoice was reinterpreted, it was not detected as a duplicate.

Corrupt invoice definitions could not be detected: 54234: Corrupt invoice definitions could not be detected and consequently fixed by running a maintenance plan with the "Repair found errors" option selected. Wrong message displayed:

54219: While in the Manager module, if you navigated to the Plug-ins > AutoValue Configuration and then closed the AutoValue configuration dialog and the Manager module, the following message was displayed even though the Manager had not stopped working on its own. Invoices - Manager has stopped working

Focus on button did not move after drawing in Optimize: 53511: When a new outline was drawn for a line item table in Optimize, the focus did not move from the Boundary button to the Line button after drawing.

Special characters in email body caused blank output:

53508: XML Output was blank if special characters were included in the body of an email in a Collector job.

Missing shortcut:

53108: The shortcut to change the color of an invoice from grayscale to black and white (Ctrl+G) was listed in the help file but was not available in the program.

Optimize failed when selecting and viewing multiple invoice definitions:

53102: While attempting to select and view multiple invoice definitions at the same time, the Optimize module failed.

Maintenance process failed due to corrupt definition:

53097: Blob corruption in a definition caused the maintenance plan to fail. Optimize failed when opening line-item table:

53090: Optimize failed when attempting to open "LineItemTable" on learning invoices for one specific invoice definition only.

Using BuyerSortColumn to sort buyers did not work correctly:

43325: Buyers were not sorted according to the BuyerSortColumn flag in eiglobal.ini in the Buyer dropdown list. The sorting was random.

Sample files not installed in correct location:

43227: If ReadSoft Invoices was installed somewhere other than the default location (that is, not in C: \Program Files...), sample files were still installed in the default location. This caused problems for users who did not allow installations on the C:\ drive.

Manager failed when deleting invoices in bulk:

41208, 53156: While attempting to delete more than one hundred invoices at a time, the Manager module would become unresponsive for a time after which the invoice count remained unchanged, and it was possible to click and select any invoices in the list. However, the module would fail when the list was refreshed.

ReadSoft Invoices Collector 6.5

This section lists enhancements and bug fixes introduced to the product in Kofax ReadSoft Collector


• It is now possible to configure Microsoft Office 365 and EWS with Oauth as input sources. (53386)

• Support has been added for XSLT 2.0 (57108) • Support has been added for the ZUGFeRD 2.0 XML standard. (58478)

• Support has been added for invoices in XML.p7m format. (58477)

• Previously, if Collector maintenance was not performed frequently, the size of the database potentially grew large enough to cause connection time or command timeout errors, and the sync operation would fail as a result. This has been redesigned and a "Run maintenance" button has been added so that both sync and delete are performed with a single click. (63972)

• Database maintenance has been simplified with a “Run maintenance” button. (54825)

Changes in behavior:

Previously, help files were installed separately in CHM format on each computer where ReadSoft Collector was installed, and context-sensitive help calls were done locally. The help is now located on an online Kofax documentation server to which context-sensitive help calls are directed when you click a help button or press F1 in the program. In this case, Internet access is necessary.

Note that this help will only work if ReadSoft Collector or later is installed with ReadSoft Invoices 6.0.3 or later.

Offline documentation:

If the system where ReadSoft Invoices is installed does not have Internet access, offline documentation can be downloaded from the Kofax Electronic Fulfillment (KEF) site:

The offline documentation package includes help in the following languages:

• English (EN)

• French (FR)

• German (DE)

• Spanish (ES)

Note that the offline documentation package must be extracted to the correct location on the workstation to be able to get context sensitive information when you press F1 or a help button in the program. Create a folder called Documentation under the Global path folder, download the documentation package (ReadSoftCollectorDocumentation-6.5.0_<language code>.zip), and extract the contents there.


• Resolved an issue in which the image layout was not correct on the image created for XML invoices. Lines overlapped at the end of the page. (64853)

Kofax ReadSoft Collector

This section lists enhancements and bug fixes introduced to the product in Kofax ReadSoft Collector


• It is now possible to add a custom value when importing XML invoices. (10108, 52564, 28387)

• It is easier now to maintain COLLECTOR DB using “Run Maintenance”. (10362, 54550) • It is now possible to connect Microsoft Cloud resources (Office 365) using Microsoft Graph REST API. (58388)

Bug fixes:

• Resolved an issue using EWS in which PDF files were interpreted multiple times if an .eml file was included as an attachment in the same email. (10809, 63149)

• Resolved an issue in which the output dimensions for the PDF body in Collector were incorrect for a sample PDF. (10330, 54562)

• Resolved an issue in which emails were processed out of order. (10445, 55635)

• Resolved an issue in which it took considerable time to show the supplier list in the XML mapper. (10451, 55680)

• Resolved an issue where attachment folder info was not updated in the log. (10492, 57379)

• Resolved an issue in which only one of multiple emails that had an attachment with the same name could be processed if SaveMailContentToFile=1. (10450, 55734)

• Resolved an issue in which the latest XML definitions could not be selected during import if there were more definitions than could fit on the current screen. (10507, 57396

Kofax ReadSoft Collector

This section lists enhancements and bug fixes introduced to the product in Kofax ReadSoft Collector


• Email from specific senders or entire domains can now be blocked. (28387)

• Using XSL now works with a child node if there is a namespace. (39811)

• PDFSharp has been replaced by Atalasoft for PDF creation. (41284)

• Support has been added for Microsoft SQL 2017. (41031)

• It is now possible to separate email attachments into multiple invoices if the invoices are separated by blank pages. (41473)

• TLS 1.2 has been added as a SecurityProtocolType option for Exchange server communication in the [General] section of Collector.ini. (44759)

• Supplier numbers are no longer duplicated when using SmartXML. (45038)

• The Finvoices 3.0 XML profile is now supported. (46373)

• The perceptive doc filter has been upgraded to version (51940)

• It is now possible to use different images for XML invoices depending on the situation (that is, embedded, from email, or newly created automatically). (9512, 48335)

• It is now possible to process XML invoices even though they contain text/XML embedded as a file. (9551, 48591)

• It is now possible to use a value outside of line items as a condition to be able to extract them. (9670, 49322) Bug fixes:

• Emails with broken PDFs are now moved to the error folder instead of causing Interpret to fail. (48234)

• Resolved an issue in which it was not possible to filter fields in the XML Mapper. (40473)

• Resolved an issue in XML maintenance, in which XML invoices with "invoice object missing" status could not be deleted. (8740, 41931)

• Resolved an issue where changes to an XML definition in the XML mapper affected all XML invoices belonging to the parent XML profile. (8993, 29800)

• Resolved an issue where it was not possible to process digitally signed emails using EWS. (9868, 50654)

• Resolved an issue in which the job name was not updated after rerouting an XML invoice to another profile. (10169, 53248)

INI file changes

This section lists the changes that apply to COLLECTOR.INI:

• SaveMailContentToFile has been added to the [Settings] section

• SaveMailContentFilePath has been added to the [Settings] section

• SecurityProtocolType has been added to the [General] section

Kofax ReadSoft Collector

This section lists enhancements introduced to the product in Kofax ReadSoft Collector

• The OAuth 2.0 protocol is now supported for Exchange Online Web Services. (42569)

• It is now possible to have all pages in an invoice be numbered using AllPagesAreInvoicePagesInterpret in connection with Collector. (43458)

• Emails with broken PDFs are now moved to the error folder instead of causing Interpret to fail. (48234)

Kofax ReadSoft Collector


• It is now possible to filter fields in the XML Mapper. (40473)

• It is now possible to work with child nodes when using XSL and there is a namespace. (39811)


• Resolved an issue in XML maintenance, in which XML invoices with “invoice object missing” status could not be deleted. (8740, 41931)

• Resolved an issue in which the AllPagesAreInvoicePagesInterpret setting was overridden in Kofax Kofax ReadSoft Collector. (8886, 43458, 43897)

• Resolved an issue where changes to an XML definition in the XML mapper affected all XML invoices belonging to the parent XML profile. (8993, 29800) Kofax ReadSoft Collector

• ReadSoft Invoices 6.0.1 is now supported

Kofax ReadSoft Collector

This section lists enhancements introduced to the product in Kofax ReadSoft Collector

• It is now possible to save images with landscape layout when using SmartXML. This is accomplished using the new ColumnsLimitForLandscapeLayout flag in the [General] section in Collector.ini. Nine is the default setting, and it means that XML invoices with more than nine columns are displayed in landscape layout. Note that this does not work for ZUGFeRD XML invoices. (32435)

• Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 is now supported for use with Kofax ReadSoft Collector. (33445)

• The installer has been upgraded to WIX. (34576)

• It is now possible to stop emails with large attachments.

• Logging has been enhanced to allow support personnel a better opportunity to identify the problem.

Changes in behavior

This section describes changes in the product behavior since the previous release.

• Advanced rules can no longer be imported in the XML mapper.

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